How This Labor Day Can Benefit Your Adoption Journey

Over the next few days,
we’ll celebrate Labor Day weekend. And since there’s no such thing as a wasted detail on the adoption journey, why not let even this holiday work for your good?
Here are three simple but impactful ways Labor Day can impact your adoption journey—
1. Bond as a family.
What if you used this weekend to lean into some deep family bonding on your adoption journey?
I know, I know. The adoption process can be full of paperwork, meetings, and waiting rooms. And family bonding doesn’t always stay at the top of the to-do list. Sometimes it’s just about getting through the day.
But what if this weekend, you gave yourself permission to pause, to set aside the lists and the logistics, and just focus on being together? It doesn’t have to be perfect or profound—just real, intentional moments where you can connect.
Because trust me, it’s the small, everyday moments that will carry you through the big, life-changing ones.

2. Flip the script.
What if you used this weekend to replace small talk with real talk?
If you’re spending time with friends or family, keep your heart and eyes open for moments to share what God is doing in your home. I know it can be easiest sometimes to just coast through the day with a “We’re fine; everything’s great” attitude, but sometimes the best connections happen when we get a little vulnerable.
If you need emotional or spiritual support, don’t be afraid to mention it to those closest to you. They love you. Let them be part of your story.
And if someone brings up adoption, be open to the conversation if you can.
“So many adoption journeys are sparked by hearing someone else’s story. Your willingness to answer questions might be the nudge someone needs to step into their own adoption journey.”
You never know what God is up to in someone else’s heart, so be ready to share the good, the hard, and everything in between. You might just be part of the next beautiful chapter in someone else’s story.
3. Take time to rest.
The adoption process can feel like a marathon—so much waiting, paperwork, hoping, and wondering what’s next. It’s exhausting in a way that goes beyond the physical. It can drain your heart and mind, too.
So give yourself permission to breathe. To pause. To put the to-do list on hold and let your soul catch up. Rest isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity.
Spend time in the Word or in prayer. Reflect on what God has already done in this journey so far—every small step, every door opened, every moment of grace.
Let that be your encouragement that He’s still moving, even in the waiting.
Rest isn’t just a reward after the adoption; it’s something you need now, to sustain you for the beautiful, life-changing days ahead. You’re in His hands, and He’s got this.
Take a deep breath, trust the process, and be encouraged.
And have a great Labor Day weekend!