How Adoption Financial Support Changes Children’s Lives

Countless children are waiting to be adopted.
Here at Lifesong, we believe every child deserves the love of a family, so we offer adoption financial assistance in the form of adoption grants and loans because we believe money should never be the reason a child doesn’t have a family.
For us, adoption financial assistance isn’t simply about providing financial support; it’s about affirming the inherent worth of every child and the sacred nature of every family’s journey to bring them home.
Recently, we heard from Aaron and Jennifer, Lifesong matching grant recipients.
Here’s their story—
“We had been working on our adoption for six and a half years.
Our plans to adopt from China kept getting sidelined, between agency transfers and global pandemics. In November 2022, we made the decision to transfer to the Hungary program instead.
Once we did, the process moved so quickly that we could hardly keep up!
We hadn’t even fully finished our dossier before we received Zoltan’s referral. This is why we are so grateful to Lifesong for your adoption financial assistance: not only did the process move fast, but the need for funds did, too.
“God graciously provided all we needed.”
It was also special to us that we first met Zoltan at his orphanage on 8/28.
We often use the date as a reminder that God works all things together for good (Romans 8:28). God is working the intersection of our lives for our good!
Lifesong’s assistance came at a time when we were getting close to adoption travel, but we still needed some funds for agency fees and travel. Lifesong came alongside us and provided a matching grant, which allowed our friends and family to be a part of fundraising, while also stretching the funds further.
Our Lifesong grant covered much of our travel and some large agency fees, allowing us to go forward with the adoption.“

How Adoption Financial Support Changes Children’s Lives
Adoption funding is more than just financial assistance.
It’s an investment in hope and the promise of a brighter future for children around the world like Zoltan who need—and deserve—the love of a family.