Welcome Home Haiti: How God Has Not Forgotten Families

Haiti is in turmoil. Earlier this month, the U.N. estimated that gangs now control 60% of the capital city. Even still, God has not forgotten Haiti.
A well-known Haitian proverb says, “Bondye pa bay pitit Li penn san sekou,” which means: God doesn’t give His children pain without a rescuer.
God is Haiti’s hope, just as He is our hope. Here’s one story of how He’s preserving families in Haiti.
Our ministry partner Shelley Hari writes—
Groups of men fill the streets,
Watching traffic go by. Playing dominoes. Passing another day without hope or purpose.
These men are eager and anxious to work, but the opportunities are few and the jobs are scarce. They understand that without the ability to provide for themselves and their family, they can’t experience the hope of a better future.
Because of the high unemployment rate in Haiti, men often leave their families out of shame related to their inability to support them. This perpetuates cycles of broken families, increased poverty, and fatherless children.
When We Met George
As a 25-year-old single man trying to support himself, he lived with his mother and relied on her for housing and food.
Daily, he would drive his motorcycle to town carrying several 5-gallon jugs to purchase gasoline or diesel to re-sell for a small profit. Weighed down by hundreds of pounds of explosive fuel tied to his bike, he would navigate the rough and unpredictable roads to reach his rural destination.
He wasn’t shy. He approached Welcome Home Haiti several times, asking for a steady job. Many times we turned him away because we weren’t hiring.
But George didn’t give up.
We finally offered him an opportunity to work once or twice monthly at Welcome Home Haiti to finish roofs on houses that were nearing completion. That was 2012.
We first told George’s story in 2021.

Welcome Home Haiti
Our ministry partner, Welcome Home Haiti builds houses for families and individuals living in abject poverty.
In addition to replacing homes made of sticks and mud with safe, secure, and sanitary housing, each new home means over 100 individuals have jobs. Masons, carpenters, delivery crew, block makers, office staff, and cooks all find steady, meaningful employment with every home that is built.
The local economy also realizes numerous benefits as we purchase wood, tin, cement and other materials from those in the community.
Welcome Home Haiti provides even more than safe homes and employment. Men and women also find purpose, security, and Gospel discipleship as they work consistently in meaningful roles.
A new home means physical security.
A job means financial security.
Discipleship means spiritual security.
And the result?
Families transition from barely surviving to thriving.
Parents have dignity and hope.
Children are not surrendered to orphanages.
Families are preserved, and harmful cycles are broken for the glory of God.
How George Is Doing Now
Today, George is employed as our lead house-build engineer.
He graduated from college with a degree in engineering. He’s married and the father of two young girls. And he attends Bible Study every week. His faith is personal and unmistakable.
He coordinates purchases, delivers materials to house-build sites, oversees construction sites, and helps manage and maintain related equipment.

Welcome Home Haiti has given George so much more than a job.
He now has a future, and his family is being preserved.
Today George can provide for his wife and kids. He sends his girls to school, can afford medical care, saves for his future, and is learning how to serve others.
Most importantly, George realizes that God has blessed him far beyond many of his neighbors and community members, and for that, he’s incredibly grateful.
What if—in the midst of Haiti’s current, ongoing pain—God could use you to help preserve a family in Haiti?
Support family preservation in Haiti.
Welcome Home Haiti is an approved ministry of Lifesong for Orphans. Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners, fundraising and administrative costs are already covered. 100% of your received donation will directly support Welcome Home Haiti.