We’re Thankful for YOU!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Here at Lifesong, we’re thankful for the difference you’re making, for the lives you’re changing, and for the way you keep showing up for vulnerable kids and families around the world.
Without a doubt, the fight for justice and mercy is filled with struggle.
The Enemy wants nothing more than to see children suffering, families broken, and nations blind to the Gospel. And our broken world easily falls prey to his devices.
Yet, in spite of this, people like you remain committed to reaching children and families in need with the good news of the Gospel. And you are making a difference.
Here’s a look at one example of how your support is changing lives—
Because of your support
- 10,185 children have received support with adoption and post-adoption financial assistance with help from Lifesong and partners.
- 439 jobs exist through Lifesong sustainable businesses worldwide.
- 2,337 children live in family-style homes, receiving a safe place to live, study, and learn.
- 5,369 students attend Lifesong schools or educational programs.
- 9,450 children in total served through holistic, Gospel-centered care.
And every one of these kids and adults have been told about the Gospel and the truth that God loves them and has a plan for their lives.

So, thank you.
On behalf of the kids and families we serve, thank you for being a faithful and sacrificial partner of Lifesong. Thank you for refusing to believe the orphan crisis is too big to solve. Thank you for believing with us that every person should be seen and known and loved.
We’re more thankful for you than we can say.
We praise God for you daily, but especially today. May God bless you this holiday season.