Our 100% Pledge to You
For years, we’ve made a bold pledge:
100% of your donation will directly help children in need.
But what, exactly, does that mean? And how does it apply to you?
Here are 3 quick things to know about our 100% pledge—
1. Your gift does not pay for our administrative costs.
In other words, thanks to the generous support of TMG Foundation and key partners, all of our fundraising and administrative costs are already covered. Meaning 100% of the money you give to Lifesong will go directly to help children in need and not to overhead costs.
Orphans are among the most vulnerable people in the world, and we believe God calls us to care for these children who are close to His heart. None of us can do this on our own. The prayer and financial support of givers like you is so vital to this mission that we don’t want to do anything that stands in the way of your participating in this important work.
So none of your gifts for children in need are used to cover our administrative expenses.
2. Your gift goes where you want it to go.
We know it’s important to you that your gift goes where you intend it to go.
It’s important to us, too.
So if you sponsor a child in Ethiopia, for example, or you give to support an adoptive family, we pledge that the money you give will go directly to meeting these specific needs.
For adoptive families and church adoption funds, this means that 100% of the funds you raise go directly to your account (and then directly to the adoption for which the funds were raised).
We work hard to receive the highest possible grade year after year for accountability and transparency. Charity Navigator is the most respected charity watchdog group in the U.S. And five times in a row, they have awarded Lifesong Four-Star status, the highest possible rating for accountability, transparency, and integrity.
You can be confident your gift will go where you intend it to go.

3. Your gift changes lives.
This year, your support is meeting the needs of over 18,000 children in 21 ministry locations across 13 countries. And today, families across the United States will learn that they have been approved for adoption matching grants and funding… and for many of them, it will feel like it happened just in time.
None of what we do at Lifesong is possible without people like you.
God’s call to care for the least of these has never been more urgent. Thank you for funding adoptions, supporting international orphan care, and promoting sustainable business initiatives that encourage family preservation.
In other words, thank you for giving and for joining where God is working.
You can feel great about giving to Lifesong, knowing every dollar you give goes directly to help orphans and vulnerable children. That’s our 100% pledge.