If You’re Waiting for an Adoption this Christmas
In 2010, my husband and I were waiting to adopt our first child.
It was Christmas, and we were tired.
No, we were weary.
Having officially been matched with our son for nearly 3 years at that point (after being told our process could take as little as 9 months) the word “wait” was our least favorite in the English language.
Yes, I know waiting is a Biblical word. The Bible talks about waiting over 100 times. But in 2010, waiting represented missed milestones, unmade memories, and shattered expectations.
Maybe you understand?

Let’s be honest.
What makes Christmas “the most wonderful time of the year” for some people is also what makes it the most brutal for others. It’s hard to celebrate when your heart is hurting. I’m guessing this is especially true in a year like 2020.
Here’s what I learned in Christmas 2010: Christmas isn’t just for the happiest, the healthiest, or even the holiest.
Christmas is for the weary, the worried, and the waiting.
Many of the same things that are hurting your heart this Christmas are the same reasons He came 2,000 years ago.
Waiting for Word
In many ways, waiting at Christmas is the most appropriate way to honor the first Christmas, isn’t it? They were waiting for a Rescuer, and so are we. Their joy felt incomplete, and so does ours.
For reasons I still can’t comprehend, Jesus was born in full humanity to sympathize with our weakness, made like us so that we can be made like Him. And the day we’re all waiting most for—the day every hurt is healed and every wrong is righted—is coming.
Jesus will heal every broken heart.
10 years later, here’s what I know: The sovereign God of Heaven rules perfectly every day and in every decision—even when we’re discouraged. So if I had God’s knowledge and God’s power and God’s love, I would choose for me what He has chosen for me … every single time. Even when it hurts.
Your waiting isn’t wasted, your Christmas isn’t ruined, and your God hasn’t forgotten you … not for a moment.
How can we pray for you?
If your wait is difficult this year, please know we’re praying for you here at Lifesong. And more than that, we’d love to pray with you for any specific, personal burdens you’re carrying this Christmas. Our team meets on Wednesdays to pray for people and situations by name. Many of us have adopted or are adopting and understand first-hand the struggles that come with the process.
So simply go to our Facebook page and send us a private message. We’ll see your request and pray.
It would be our joy and privilege to pray for you and your wait here at Christmas.
Read about other families who have recently been right where you are.