Adoption Changed My Life: Thoughts from a Board Member
Bob Hoerr is a husband, father, grandfather, and has served as Board Chairman & CEO of his family’s commercial construction businesses for the past 25 years. He also serves on the Lifesong board of directors.
He writes—
Nearly 16 years ago, I entered into what has become one of the most rewarding and fulfilling chapters of my life: serving on the board of directors for Lifesong for Orphans.
Lifesong’s ministry is deeply personal to me. I was born in 1956 to teenage, unwed parents. Following societal norms, they got married. And sixteen months later, my younger brother was born. Unable to cope with raising two little boys, my biological parents placed my brother and me in a local foster home. I was just two years old.
Our foster parents brought us to their church, and it was there that I first met my adoptive parents. They were 23 years old and had been married for two years with no children of their own. After prayerful consideration, they decided to adopt both my brother and me. Their step of faith changed the course of my life forever.

Years later, my wife and I were married. Given the gratitude I had for my own adoption, I thought we would seriously consider growing our family through adoption. But we quickly had four children within five years (including twin boys just 11 months after we were married!), and the adoption option never unfolded for us. Still, I asked God to show me how I could bless someone through adoption in the same way I had been blessed.
Then around 2004, I decided to meet with a young man representing Lifesong for Orphans… It was one of the best decisions of my life! As he sat with me, showing me videos and talking about the work of Lifesong, God spoke to my heart. I knew Lifesong was the answer to my prayers.
Impacting Lives with Lifesong
Given my construction background, my initial passion within Lifesong was evaluating and funding new transition homes and sustainable businesses in Ukraine and Zambia.

I’ve also traveled with Lifesong to Ukraine, Zambia, and India, seeing for myself the work being done and the lives being touched. One of my most vivid memories from those trips is sitting on a short, stone wall in Zambia at Lifesong School with an 8-year-old girl. Her mother had died of AIDS, and her father was in the hospital, dying from the same disease.
She tearfully asked me, “What will happen to me? Who will take care of me?” My heart broke. I so wanted to be able to give her a home. But I knew Lifesong School and the team on the ground in Zambia would be there for her. That thought brought me comfort.
From transition homes to schools to sustainable businesses to providing adoption financial assistance and so much more, the work of Lifesong is entirely immersed in fulfilling the Biblical command of James 1:27: to look after the fatherless.
A Ministry You Can Trust
One of the most inspiring things in my 15 years as an executive board member, orphan advocate, and donor is Lifesong’s ability to sustain their 100% pledge. A separately funded private foundation covers 100% of Lifesong’s administrative and fundraising costs, which means every penny given to Lifesong goes straight to caring for orphans. This is virtually unheard of in the charitable organization world!
I’ve seen firsthand how God is using people like you to reach orphans with Gospel-centered care. I’ve seen orphans become sons and daughters through adoption, just as I was. I’ve seen young men and women beat incredible odds and grow into strong followers of Jesus. Will you join me in reaching more orphans this year?
Your gift of faith and love will be mightily utilized in advancing the work of Jesus’ Kingdom here on earth.