6 Ways to Celebrate National Adoption Month
November is National Adoption Month!
Here at Lifesong, we believe every month is the right time to spread awareness for adoption, foster care, and orphan care, but it’s nice to see that our nation recognizes November as National Adoption Month!
Here are 6 ways to make the special month more than just something that pops up in your newsfeed.
1. Learn
Perhaps adoption isn’t something you think about often. Maybe you wonder why anyone even bothers advocating for it. Rather than blindly jumping on the bandwagon, we suggest using this month to educate yourself! The more you know about the cause, the easier it becomes to support it.
Look here for some helpful resources to get your learning started! And click here for answers to some of the most common adoption questions.
2. Start a Conversation
Have you been impacted by adoption? Maybe you were adopted, have adopted, made an adoption plan for your child, or simply have a passion for adoption in general—this is a great month to lend your voice to the conversation. If you choose to speak out on social media, use hashtags such as #NAM2020 or #nationaladoptionmonth to join the public discussion. Start conversations with friends or family who may be considering adoption. You never know the power a single conversation could have in the life of a waiting child.
We’d love to hear your story on any of our Facebook posts in November!

3. Send an Encouraging Note to an Adoptive Family
Whether or not you think they could use the encouragement, they probably do. Send a note to an adoptive family and let them know you’re praying for them and thinking of them. Don’t personally know an adoptive family? Get involved with the Eagles’ Wings Postcard Project! You’ll be sent a few blank postcards—stamped and addressed—to send some encouragement to someone who needs it.
Learn more about The Postcard Project.
4. Offer Practical Support to an Adoptive Family in Your Community
Take them a meal. Offer free child care. Take care of a few of their errands. National Adoption Month is the perfect opportunity to start coming alongside the adoptive (and/or foster!) families in your life.
5. Take the Next Step
If you’ve considered adopting a child, take the next step and call an agency for information. Or if you’ve felt the “tug to adopt,” finally have the discussion with your spouse. If you know of a family who is in process, reach out and ask what you can do in November to help. You don’t have to make major decisions or find every answer this month—just move the needle. What step might God want you to take next?
Start here if you want more information.

6. Help More Families Adopt
Did you know that 38% of practicing Christians have seriously considered adoption, but only 5% have actually adopted? One major hurdle is funding. The costs associated with adoption can be overwhelming. If you aren’t currently saving for adoption, would you give a gift this month to help someone else bring a child home?
Money should never be the reason a child doesn’t have a family.