This Is the Solution to Orphans’ Needs

The solution to orphans’ needs:
The Church.
Over and over in Scripture, God commands His followers to serve the marginalized and neglected, hurt and abused. And He demonstrates this in the person and work of Jesus Christ, from His interactions with the lowest of society to His ultimate sacrifice for sinful & rebellious mankind. We, the Church, have been given a divine mandate and a divine example. So who better to meet orphans’ needs than Jesus’ followers? And what better way to meet this need than to support adoption?
The Body of Christ is equipped to help orphans find loving, Christian families, regardless of their geographic location or church affiliation. The Church, as a network, can reach more children together than each local church can alone.
Here at Lifesong, we connect churches who want to give and families who need help. And we accomplish this through Outside the Walls church funds. This note was passed along to our office from an Outside the Wall church fund we administer, Legacy 685 at Houston First Baptist Church:
“Hello there!
I’ve been trying to think of words worthy enough to express my gratitude, but I don’t think I’ll be able to. We just received an email today informing us that we had received a $4,000 matching grant funded by your Legacy 685 ministry at Houston First Baptist.
When God first moved in our hearts to adopt and we began looking at all of the logistics, we certainly felt overwhelmed, especially when we looked at the cost. We knew there was no way on our own we could fund our adoption. Therefore, we knew we would be trusting God to provide.
I remember when we received our first “donation.” It was from a friend at the grocery store. She just had a few dollars in her pocket, but she immediately wanted to hand it over. I cried tears of gratitude on the way home. I knew God would provide and that His faithfulness would take us back time and time again. This was certainly one of those times.
I went on your website to learn more about the Legacy 685 ministry. I saw that the name came from Psalm 68:5. This verse is near and dear to my heart. I was adopted, and my family has often pointed me to this verse. It reminds me of God’s faithfulness and provision in my own life.
I am so thankful for your ministry! We knew we were committed to this journey of adoption, but we didn’t know how strongly we would see God use His people to come alongside us and help us along!
From the very bottom of my heart, thank you. Your assistance has encouraged us more than you know! This ministry will forever hold a special place in our minds and hearts.
In Christ,
Rachel Townsend”
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).
Your church is the solution.
Your church was built to care for orphans. It’s in our DNA as believers. By establishing a Lifesong-facilitated church fund, you can meet the need by helping fund adoptions inside and outside your local church. It’s easy and free.