Surviving Motherhood: 7 Thoughts from Fellow Moms

Mom, we see you.
We know about the fearful thoughts, the unseen tears, and the wordless prayers.
We see you, and we praise God for you.
Last year a group of 14 fellow adoptive moms from around the country got together to write a book because they want you to know you are not alone. Grace for the Journey is now a year-long devotional by and for adoptive moms.
Here are 7 thoughts from the book for your encouragement —
1. Mom, you can find safety and rest because not only is God all-knowing, He is also all-good. —Glenna Marshall
He doesn’t miss a thing when He looks at your circumstances. You can trust Him to work in the way that is best, even when it’s difficult to understand.
2. Broken people are God’s heartbeat. —Elissa Roberts
Adoption always begins with brokenness. Our enemy would love to keep us right there in the middle of the brokenness—a broken child, a broken birth mom, a broken adoptive mom. But broken people are God’s heartbeat. The exchange He offers us is one we could never attain on our own.
3. On the hard days, lean into Jesus and press on. —Robin Wade
“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own” (Philippians 3:12).

Melody Cain felt God calling her to write the book that is now Grace for the Journey, so she compiled the team of moms and led the project. She and her husband, Corey, were Lifesong Matching Grant recipients in 2015.
4. My main job is to obey my Heavenly Father, not to fix my children. —Elizabeth Mohagen
Everything on this earth is shaky. But our God cannot be shaken. When I can refocus on the greatness of my God, my crisis turns into an opportunity to trust and lean on Him because I remember that He can handle what I cannot.
5. I am finally learning not to compare, and this has offered such amazing peace. —Ashleigh Thompson
I squandered too much time comparing our family with others. These other families are on the path God has led them on.
6. Adoption conversations lead so naturally to Gospel conversations. —Lindsey Stephenson
Look for the opportunities God is giving you to share His story through yours.
7. God gives us children not just so we can teach them, but so that He can teach us. —Trisha White Priebe
It’s a hard journey … but it’s also pretty remarkable.
We pray you know joy and peace as God carries you through the scary thoughts and the long days (and nights!) of caring for the children God has sovereignly placed in your care.
May you know grace for the journey.