“Were we foolish to even pursue adoption?”

Questions and doubts can fill the adoption journey–the Brucato family can testify to this. But by trusting in the Lord’s leading, they have brought two sons home from Ethiopia. They shared their story with us—


It would not be an exaggeration to say that at many times during this adoption journey, we felt a lot like the paralytic being let down to the feet of Jesus.

Our strength was gone, and our hearts were full of doubt. But faithful men and women came alongside us and helped us believe. Lifesong had faith in us and gave us the courage to continue. How we have seen the power of God!

God has strengthened, provided, opened doors, and filled us with the joy of making us a family.

Our second adopted child is named Amanuel—Hebrew for “God is with us.” When we began this journey, we had no idea how all the complexities of our lives would fit together. We were American missionaries living in Italy and adopting from Ethiopia. Were we foolish to even pursue adoption? How could missionaries living on support even think to raise funds for an international adoption? And the paperwork?!

It all seemed impossible.

But God has a way of entering the challenges and messiness of our lives and showing His immense grace. Emmanuel … God with us!


Thank you for sharing your story with us! It goes to show that whatever He calls us to do, He equips us to accomplish–always. Our prayers are with your family!