Living on God’s Time

We love watching amazing things happen as God brings children into loving homes. When Frank and Tonya’s family needed funds (and quickly), God showed up in a big way. In Tonya’s words—


When I think back to how God used Lifesong to bring Hayden into our family, I am overwhelmed and moved to tears.

Hayden’s adoption moved so much faster than our first adoption. With an impending travel date and very low bank account, we received a call from Lifesong offering us a matching grant.

At first, I was apprehensive. We were so close to our travel date. I was afraid we didn’t have time to fundraise and meet our matching grant goal. The sweet lady from Lifesong on the phone told me that she really believed in her heart this was from God and that He would make it happen. Oh how I needed to hear those words! Her promise to be praying for us encouraged me and brought a flood of peace to my heart.

Later that same day, a very dear friend offered to run a fundraising campaign for us. In three days God provided everything we needed to reach our matching grant and then some! All of our in-country expenses were completely covered. In less than a month, Lifesong sent the funds to our adoption agency and we were on a plane to bring our sweet boy home. We love Lifesong and will forever be grateful that they were the willing vessel God used to provide the way for our son to come home to his forever family.

Lifesong’s prayers and encouragement were just as significant and important as the matching grant they awarded us.

His Mysterious Ways

While in the process of our first adoption, our oldest daughter came to us to share a dream she had that she felt was from God. In her dream, our family was standing on a bridge and a little Moses basket floated up. We caught it and lifted a little boy into our arms. She said that in her dream, we knew his name was Will. Then another little basket floated up. We lifted a little girl into our arms, but she still needed a name.

I actually met Hayden three and a half years before we adopted him. We were in our first adoption process, and at that time, Hayden did not have a file prepared. We were matched with a little girl that we brought home three years prior to bringing Hayden home. When we saw Hayden on a list two years later, we knew he had a file, and we began to pray for his forever family. On his way to work one day, Frank was praying for Hayden and felt God speak to his heart that Hayden was still waiting because we needed to go get him.

Eleven months later, Hayden was in our arms, and we remembered our daughter’s dream. I had met Hayden first, and he was definitely God’s will for us, just as our sweet daughter from China was also His will. When we began our first adoption journey, we had no idea there would be two–but God did. He alone made the way and continued to confirm it was all part of His perfect plan for our family.



Thank you for sharing your story with us! We are thankful that we got to play a role in your adoption—both financially and spiritually! We are confident God will continue doing big things in your family.