Why Adoption Funding Matters

Adoption funding matters.

For many families, it is the difference between adopting and not being able to adopt a child in need.

Here at Lifesong, we believe in adoption funding and are grateful to those of YOU who give to make it possible. But every once in a while we receive a letter from a family that proves the point better than we ever could.

Consider this letter from a family who recently brought their son home–

Dear Lifesong Family,

God’s timing is God’s timing, and that has never been more evident to us than in our adoption journey. While usually God’s timing means waiting and faith-testing, God’s timing when it came to Lifesong is definitely an example of Him showing up and being a Heavenly Dad that enjoys spoiling his children.

We found out that we had been approved for the blessing of an interest-free loan on 5/19/16. We got John’s case on 5/26/16. John’s case would have been out of our budget without you.



Without you, we could not have presented. Without you, we could not have been matched.



So, please understand very clearly that, without you, John would not be ours.



As I said previously, you are His hands and feet. You have always been and will always be a tremendous part of John’s story. Sometimes “thank you” doesn’t even begin to come close, and this is certainly one of those times.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

And to those who give to make adoption grants and loans possible, we–your Lifesong family–thank YOU.

Every waiting child deserves a family.