Meet a Boy Who Is Changing Lives in Liberia | Liberia Update
Good things are happening in Liberia because of your prayer and support!
Here at Lifesong Liberia we want to create opportunities for our kids to develop a plan for their future. As our teens grow in knowledge and experience, they are able to see firsthand that God has gifted them uniquely and has a purpose for their lives.
Meet Abraham
One of our students, Abraham, is in 11th grade and lives in the Master’s Home of Champions. He is leading the way in taking initiative and exercising his gifts in a positive way. Abraham loves plants. He took the time to gather decorative grasses and other plants and has created a lovely area of landscaping on the Marshall campus. He identified a need and did something about it … all on his own! His passion is spreading, as evidenced by his own words–
I love agriculture, especially planting flowers in order to beautify our home and make it look like a real beautiful place. I also love planting things that others can eat, including sweet potatoes, palaver sauce, corn, water greens, and okra! –Abraham
I love seeing my friends getting involved in agriculture because it will really help us. I would love to become an agriculturist and a pastor someday. –Abraham
Personal Invitation
Every child needs to hear the Gospel.
This Valentine’s Day, give your heart to a child in need. We are praying for 14 children to find sponsors this month.