See What Happened to Natasha After Life in the Orphanage | Mission Moment
Your support helps change the lives of orphans around the world. Whether through adoption funding or orphan care, lives–like Natasha’s–are being transformed by the Gospel. Here is her story.
Natasha and her 8 siblings were left at an orphanage when they were very young. As a result, they grew up understanding very little about what it was like to live in a Christian family.
During her time in the orphanage, Christian workers and volunteers invested their time and attention in Natasha–introducing her to the Bible and showing her the love of Christ. Through the mentoring of the Lifesong Ukraine team, she found Christ and a purpose for her life. Now, she is using her experiences to serve at-risk single mothers with the love of Jesus.
“I know what it is like to be an orphan as I went through the system and understand the void they have. God has been preparing me since my time in the orphanage … forming my heart for this calling.” –Natasha
Because so few girls in the orphanage grow up understanding the love of family, very few of them fully understand how to love and care for their children when they become mothers.
Natasha–and others with whom she does ministry–understand this dilemma and are making a difference. They are leading a ministry aptly named New Life to illustrate what God does in the hearts and lives of those who love Him.
Natasha now reaches out to orphan-graduates from all regions of Ukraine who are single mothers raising their children without any support. Many of these moms have lost hope for a better life–both for themselves and for their children.
Recently, New Life gathered a group of 18 young women–along with their children–and presented helpful seminars on topics including parenting and relationships in light of the Bible.

These young women have had a terrible past, but because of the Gospel, they can also have a bright future.
When you give a gift to Lifesong Ukraine, women like Natasha can go into the homes of fellow orphan graduates and encourage them with the love of Christ.
“We dream of our girls will be forever changed so they love their children and become a shining example to others with their new life.” –Natasha
Your support provides hope for vulnerable moms and children in Ukraine.