Cakes and Donuts and Pies! | Liberia Update

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The aroma of fresh-baked bread or cookies …

These days, you can follow your nose to Lifesong Liberia’s vocational classes where the girls are learning to bake. Over 20 of our girls from both the Rehab and Marshall homes are participating in a baking/catering unit as part of our vocational programming. The girls are enjoying hands-on training–producing doughnuts, cakes, gingerbread, cornbread, meat pies, and kala (which is a local Liberian pastry).
The classes are held twice a week after school and five days a week during summer break. An added benefit to this class is that they are able to sell some of what they make at our school snack shop. The proceeds are then used to buy more ingredients for the class.
The baking class has been very popular, and the girls have continued to practice their new skills by producing pastries for breakfast at the homes.
We are so thankful that our kids have opportunities like this to develop practical life skills through the vocational classes. As they grow to become more independent and productive adults, we know they will draw on this training as they look for jobs and career paths, as well as in family living. With grateful hearts, we thank RetailROI and other generous donors like you for making vocational training possible for our children and young adults!

Kids in Liberia deserve a future.


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