This Little Girl Needs Your Help | Bolivia Update
Yasil came to live at Lifesong Bolivia on October 22, 2013, after being abandoned at the child welfare office.
Upon arrival, it was evident that she had suffered a great deal in her short life.
Staff and volunteers poured their time and love into this little girl, confident that God had a specific purpose for her life and for bringing her to Fundación Esperanza. And you know what?–God began answering the prayers of His people in magnificent ways.
Soon, Yasil began to improve by leaps and bounds. She began smiling, laughing, and learning to walk and eat with a spoon. And this was just the beginning.

Unfortunately, in April 2016, Yasil was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure. At doctors’ orders, she immediately began receiving dialysis 3 times a week, and after 16 months of treatment, she received a much-needed kidney transplant last week.
Praise God, the surgery went well, and the doctors remain optimistic for her recovery.
Request for your help
Yasil needs to be in isolation for a minimum of 6 months due to the immunosuppressing medications she is taking. As a result, returning to the children’s home isn’t the best option for her at this time. We need to rent a small apartment where Yasil can live for 6-12 months. Additionally, we need to pay qualified nurses to supervise and monitor her daily recovery, as well as buy various post-op medications and supplies that will give Yasil every opportunity to heal and thrive.
This may sound like a lot of work, but no effort is too big for children like Yasil whom God loves and has placed in our care.
Please consider giving so that we can provide little Yasil with the best possible post-op care to help facilitate with her full recovery. As always, 100% of your donation received by Lifesong will go directly to the need. We believe her story is only beginning and that God has great and wonderful things for her beyond anything we can imagine.
“How blessed is he who considers the helpless…” – Psalm 41:1
Be part of Yasil’s story.
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