Announcing a New Baby! | Guatemala Update
Our team is thrilled to announce the arrival of our newest family member.
Joining us at just 5 lbs. 4 oz., this tiny blessing was born a month early. She and her mother are doing well, and we are so proud of them both. Theirs is a story of deep grief and resilient hope.
We have come to understand that through tragedy the Lord brings hope, and this baby is proof of that!

Every life has purpose, and every life can change the world. This mother and daughter are no exception. Through healing and hope, by God’s grace, they will point others to Jesus and to His faithfulness for many years to come.
Isabel’s story

Tossed from family member to family member, young Isabel looked for a place to belong. When her uncle agreed to take her in, Isabel hoped this was finally that place. Soon after she arrived, however, it became clear this would not be the case. Months of abuse led to 14-year-old Isabel learning she was pregnant. She fled and was later picked up by police on the streets. She was brought to Village of Hope where she continues to receive therapy, compassion, and finally … acceptance.
Here at Village of Hope Guatemala, we are thankful for the opportunity–because of your generous prayer and support–to minister to young mothers and children who need the love of Christ and daily we watch brokenness be made new to the glory of God.