22 Adoption Summer Fundraising Ideas

Brighter days and warm summer weather are ideal for these adoption fundraising ideas.
Use this summer adoption fundraising list (or pass it along to willing friends and family asking how to help!)–
To sell:
1. Have a garage sale.
Summer is garage sale season, and especially if you rally friends and family to contribute to your sale stash (think: community yard sale), you can bring in hundreds of dollars.
2. Sell Gobena Coffee.
Sell delicious, ethically sourced coffee … and keep 50% of the profits.
3. Host a chili cook-off.
Take advantage of the summer cook-out season by enlisting friends in the community to participate in a cook-off. Sell tickets. Pair it with a silent auction or raffle. Don’t like chili? Have a bake-off!
4. Encourage your kids (or your friends’ kids) to sell lemonade.
Involve children in preparing for your adoption. Not only are kids effective salespeople, but they will also be impacted by the adoption process.
5. Raise some dough.
Host your own Krispy Kreme (or another favorite donut) fundraiser. Take online orders for a day, pick up the order, establish a central location, and invite everyone who ordered to pick up their donuts.
6. Sell gently used kids clothing.
Reach out to friends and family and ask for donations of kids clothing. Create a FB page called [your child’s name]’s closet, and post photos of gently used kids clothing.
7. Make some pancakes.
Spread the word and host a pancake breakfast in the community.
8. Host a benefit concert.
Reach out to your favorite musician(s) and ask if they would be willing to do a concert to benefit your adoption. Sell tickets. Reach out to local radio stations to help support.
Or not to sell:
1. Launch a Both Hands fundraiser.
Gather a team. Find a widow. Serve for a day. Raise funds for your adoption. Learn more.
2. Tag the bag.
Simple but effective. Grab a marker and a suitcase you plan to travel with, and invite anyone who donates to your adoption to sign the suitcase.
3. Plan a 5k run/walk.
Draw a crowd of people you don’t even know!
4. Enjoy a bowling tournament.
If walking/running isn’t your thing, maybe bowling will do the trick.
5. Build a fantasy sports competition.
Create a custom profile. Invite donors to contribute. Distribute fantasy game cards. Offer prizes.
6. Kickball for a home.
Work with a local school or park to create a fun-packed day of events this summer. Build teams. Invite the local news to get involved. Encourage t-shirts or face painting.
7. Offer parents a night out.
Host a few Friday night babysitting opportunities for parents to enjoy a night on the town in exchange for donations.
8. Wash cars.
A car wash may not be the most creative fundraising idea you’ve ever heard, but there’s a reason it has stuck around through the years. It works.

Out of the box:
1. Sew some seeds.
Lend small amounts of “seed money” to people who then take the money and use it to purchase ingredients or buy supplies to do something that creates a return on investment to go toward your adoption.
2. Donate plasma.
Yes, it is out of the box, but yes, you read it right. Give plasma. Help adoption. Win/win.
3. Teach a class.
What gifting or skill-set do you have that could benefit someone else? (Or who do you know that is uniquely qualified to teach a hands-on skill?) Offer a class in exchange for adoption funds.
4. Serve a meal (or 100).
Ask local restaurants if you can build a team to serve as wait staff for a night, with a portion of sales and/or tips going toward the adoption.
5. Create an -athon.
Tap into the interests of your network. Host a jog-a-thon, a bowl-a-thon, a skate-a-thon, etc. Participants find sponsors to pledge money for numbers of laps, hours, or reps completed.
6. Share the need.
While this one may seem obvious, it is often overlooked as a tangible way to raise funds. Write a letter to those you love or ask church leadership if you can share your adoption journey as part of a service. Maybe people haven’t given to support your adoption yet because … they aren’t aware of the need.
A few final thoughts
Never underestimate the power of prayer or God’s willingness (and eagerness) to provide as you obey Him. Be honest with those you love about your need, and communicate gratitude as often as you can for anything done on your family’s behalf. Be sure to take notes of what God does to bring your child home. These examples of faithfulness and support could go a long way in communicating love and acceptance to the child you’ve not yet met!