Carried by God: National Foster Care Month
May is National Foster Care Month.
Last year The Forgotten Initiative (TFI), Lifesong for Orphans’ foster care ministry, started something new with the launch of The Forgotten Podcast. Their goal with every episode is to bring voice to the foster care community. Jami Kaeb, Founder and Executive Director of TFI, has the honor of interviewing individuals who minister to the foster care community, serve on the front lines, or who have spent time in foster care as a child, like Nicole Argo.
Nicole’s story
At age seven, Nicole witnessed her mom being severely abused by a boyfriend. At this tender age, she already felt exhausted from life. In that moment, she wanted it to be over because she didn’t want to hurt anymore. She sat on the ledge of an open window in her apartment, dangling her feet outside. She remembers hearing God’s voice–even before knowing who God was–saying to her, “I will carry you through this. You are not alone. I SEE YOU.”
TFl’s goal is to help those who feel forgotten, like Nicole, know they are seen by God and his people.

Chris’s story
Chris Shandrow is the Lead Pastor at Compass Church in Bloomington, Illinois, where he and his faith family minister to the foster care community. In Chris’s words–
“Once you see the need, you can’t unsee it. It’s not social justice–it’s about the love of Jesus working through His church. The church is God’s Plan A–there is no Plan B to reach the broken and hurting in our world, not at the soul level. Compass Church was a church adrift–we didn’t know how to get into our community. TFI created a bridge to the foster care community.”
The church is God’s Plan A–there is no Plan B to reach the broken and hurting in our world, not at the soul level.

TFI exists to mobilize local churches to serve, mentor, and support their local foster care communities. They do this through TFI Advocates who learn the needs of the foster care community, share those needs with the churches in their area, and equip them to be the hands and feet of Jesus. TFI continues to launch Advocates to serve in new communities across the nation. Currently they have 35 Advocates in 17 states, which means 35 communities are experiencing the love of Jesus through His people.
TFI would love to help YOU be a catalyst for change in your city! And what better time to take that first step than today–during National Foster Care Month! Become a TFI advocate or serve alongside an existing ministry. The choice (as well as the opportunity to deeply impact children in need) is yours!
Support the foster care community.