The Single Greatest Solution for Kids in Need
Spend 5 minutes with Jedd Medefind, President for the Christian Alliance for Orphans, and you will learn one thing very quickly:
Jedd is an energetic, passionate advocate for children in need. He and his team are tirelessly preparing for this year’s CAFO Summit where attendees from 30 countries are expected to attend.
Recently, he agreed to sit down with Jami Kaeb, founder/director of The Forgotten Initiative, Lifesong’s ministry to the foster care community, for an interview on The Forgotten Podcast. As part of their discussion, they talked about the single greatest solution in foster care and adoption–to see the church become God’s answer for kids in need–both here in the U.S. and around the world.
There is nothing more beautiful than Christians who look like Jesus–who, despite their imperfections, are seeking to love others as they have been loved … in caring for kids that the world has pushed to the side. –Jedd Medefind
Be sure to listen to the full interview this Monday. New episodes of The Forgotten Podcast air every other week. The interview is packed with helpful tips and encouragement! (And rumor is, the team will be doing a pretty spectacular giveaway as part of the broadcast.)

The Forgotten Initiative
The Forgotten Initiative (TFI) resources, supports and networks advocates across the nation, helping them grow sustainable foster care ministries in their communities. Advocates mobilize the Body of Christ through service projects, mentoring, and family support initiatives.
Last year TFI launched an exciting new podcast that interviews professionals in the field and faithful advocates at home. The purpose? To bring YOU encouragement as you do the hard work of parenting the children who are close to God’s heart.
As Jedd Medefind said during the podcast episode, “God’s intent is never that we labor alone.” Learn more about how you can partner with The Forgotten Initiative today.
YOU are making a difference. Thank you.
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