As God First Loved Us … An Adoption Story from Ukraine
When like-minded believers around the world strive to reach a common goal, extraordinary things happen.
Many of us want to reach orphans around the world with the love of Christ. Yet, not being called to adopt or not having several thousand dollars to do so prevents us from reaching fatherless children in other countries in a meaningful way. Thankfully, these are not our only two options.
While international adoptions for Americans cost, on average, $40,000, an indigenous adoption for a Ukrainian family costs a small fraction of that. It would make sense–for this reason and others–to equip Christian families in Ukraine who are able and willing to bring Ukrainian orphans into their families as sons and daughters.
Years ago–because of the faithful prayer and creative thinking from people like you–Lifesong was able to develop an indigenous adoption program called Adoption Without Borders (AwoB). Adoption Without Borders is an intentional program linking like-minded families and churches in the USA with Christian families in Ukraine who are seeking to adopt but may not have the funding to do so.
Meet Viktor and Nadia.
Viktor and Nadia have 14 children.
Nadia knew from the moment she met the tiny 5-year-old orphan with the big hazel eyes that Vlada was meant to be her daughter. And though it was not an easy transition, Nadia and Viktor resolved to bring little Vlada home and love her. They prayed desperately that God would heal the many physical and emotional wounds.
God, in His kindness, did heal Vlada. He allowed her to grow up in a loving Christian home where she was cherished. Vlada prayed for a husband who loved the Lord like she did, and God led her to marry Kolya, whom she met at church. Vlada is now 23 years old with two children of her own.
All of this because Nadia and Viktor cared more about the orphans than they did the cultural stigmas attached to adopting them.
In Vlada’s words–
I am thankful for the parents that raised me in a Christian family. They taught me the Truth–to love the Lord, and to invite Him into my heart.

As God has first loved us
Viktor and Nadia represent a growing number of couples from countries like Ukraine–where adoption is still relatively rare–choosing to adopt orphans in need. With over 100,000 children living in state-run orphanages, the need is vast.
Their motivation?–1 John 4:19, “We love because He first loved us.”
Statistics suggest that within 2 years of aging out of an orphanage, a staggering 70 – 80% of Ukrainian youth will experience crime, prostitution, suicide, or overdose. Many of these poor choices are motivated by a sincere desire to survive in a world that isn’t friendly to the fatherless. Couples like Viktor and Nadia know that the support of a family and the love of Christ can make a world of difference for a child in need.

Adoption Without Borders
Lifesong Ukraine has already assisted couples in adopting (or life-long fostering) over 160 orphans through the Adoption Without Borders program. Excellent pre- and post-adoption training and support are in place, and the team has established positive relationships with state-run orphanages, government officials, courts, and local churches in the Izume, Kharkov, and Zap regions of Ukraine.
We praise God for using the Global Church–including you!–to accomplish a common objective of taking the love of Christ to orphans in need.