5 Answers to the Question: What Prompted You to Adopt?
“What prompted you to seriously consider adoption for the first time?”
We asked members of our Facebook audience this question and received an overwhelming response. It didn’t take long to see that the answers fell into 4 basic categories:
1. Personal hardship.
Various people shared about miscarriage, infertility, failed IVF treatments, and cancer. What a poignant reminder that even in life’s worst moments, God is working everything–every stab of pain, every moment of doubt, every second of disappointment–for our good. Stephanie wrote–
“Shortly after we lost a baby to miscarriage, God brought people along our path who fostered/adopted to open us up to this choice in life. It was never something I planned to do growing up, but something God called me to later on in life. Even though this was not the life I had thought from the beginning or even before I was married, it was God’s plan for me since the beginning of time.”
2. Adoptee experience.
Many adoptees (or spouses of adoptees) commented that their personal experience with adoption prompted them to adopt. How exciting to see God calling adoptees to adopt! Hannah wrote–
“I’m adopted! So … I am hoping that we will be able to do for someone else what was done for me.”
3. Spiritual conviction.
Whether someone responded to an Orphan Sunday presentation (as Megan did), or felt prompted by James 1:27 (as Jonathan did), or acted after reading a book (as Lisa did), many people chose adoption because of deep spiritual conviction. Tarryn wrote–
[I pursued adoption] “the moment I grasped the father heart of God and His heart for orphans. How can we not love when He loves us so much?”

4. Close friends.
Many people cited the example of friends and family as the reason they seriously began considering adoption. What an encouragement for people who are trudging through the messy, compassionate everyday work of adoption. Shelley wrote–
“… He used Joy and Nate to give us our ‘light bulb’ moment!”
The best part? Joy responded that she didn’t realize her choice to adopt had prompted Shelley to pursue adoption. What a gift for friends to be part of each other’s story.
5. Random [unexpected] situations.
One of the responses that became an office favorite was submitted by Melissa–
“At 13 years old or so my shop teacher was ticked off at our class and made us watch documentaries about Chinese orphanages and orphans to send a message of being grateful. Made a decision then I wanted to adopt from China. … Waited more than 15 years to see an adoption story in our family unfold as we brought our son home from China. (We are foster parents too) … “
Real all the answers (or submit your own!) here.
Bottom line: You may only see a tiny fraction of what God is doing in your life. Rest assured He has a bigger plan and is writing a greater story than you can possible imagine.