When God Pays the Bills

On August 11th, 2013, we were on the brink of a financial crisis.
We had already been through several years of a struggling business. We had depleted our three-figure savings and were trying to resolve a three-figure business debt that the bank demanded to be paid in full. We were ready to sell our house to get out of debt, but several hindrances delayed that option.
The Word directs us to pray, so we prayed specifically for a $10,000 miracle to meet our needs and help us keep our business afloat.
We weren’t prepared for the speed with which God answered that prayer. One hour later, my husband had a message on his phone that a customer who had previously decided not to hire him changed his mind and offered a check for 10% down … $10,000!
During this time of financial uncertainty, we felt God calling us to adoption.
It absolutely made no sense to consider adoption in the midst of a fiscal crisis. And had the Lord not made His will so clear, we would never have considered moving forward.
Yet, He did.
We both came to the conclusion—without talking to the other—that God wanted us to adopt. Despite the insanity of being broke, being parents to six children, and being a little too old for all this, we said, yes.
What we did next made no earthly sense. We used the last of our savings to pay the $2,000 needed to start the adoption process with no clear plan of how to pay the rest. We felt sure, that if God called us to adoption, He would equip us. God continued to provide the funds.
Throughout the process, we were amazed at how funds were provided. Each time payments were due; we somehow managed to have what was needed.
Today we can only think of what if …
What if two years ago we had a bank account full of money and could have paid cash for our adoption without blinking an eye? We would have missed watching God’s hand move mountains. We would have missed the opportunity to live by faith and not by sight. We would have missed sensing God’s overwhelming presence as He has touched our hearts in so many ways throughout this process.
What if we had said, no instead of yes? Two orphaned children may never have known the love of a mother and a father or the joy of living in a family.
We are reminded of the Apostle Paul who wrote Phillipians 4:6-7, 19—
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever Amen!”
Some have said we are changing the fate of two orphans—we say they are changing ours!
Don’t walk through adoption alone.
If you’re adopting or considering adoption, we’d love to walk beside you! We offer matching grants, interest-free loans, fundraising tools, and a FREE online crowdfunding platform to help you overcome the financial hurdles of adoption.