CSS Classes


  • mobile-only, tablet-desktop-only, desktop-only
  • hide-on-mobile, hide-on-tablet, hide-on-desktop
  • hide-everywhere (will hide on ALL screens)

Text Alignment:

  • mobile-text-align-left/center/right
  • tablet-text-align-left/center/right

Mobile Order 

(to rearrange stacked column content…have to apply an order value to each column so they all align appropriately

  • mobile-order-1, mobile-order-2… etc thru 5
  • tablet-order-1/2/3/4/5


  • has-text-shadow (will apply a small shadow to text)
  • has-drop-shadow (will apply a small shadow to the whole container)


apply multiple with space in between to build up

  • animate-when-visible (this enables the animation when scrolled into view)
  • fade-in
  • slide-in-up, slide-in-down, slide-in-left, slide-in-right
  • delay-x (i.e. delay-1, delay-2…up to 20).  Each increment is .25sec.  SO, delay-4 would be a 1-second delay.  You can stagger things in by adding different delays to each element in a block.