Serving Orphans In


In the face of many harsh realities, our ministry in Haiti reaches orphaned and vulnerable children with holistic care, education, and discipleship.

With overlapping national crises and a growing sense that leaders come and go, more than anything, we want the people of Haiti to know with certainty that God can be trusted.

Our goal is to reach orphans, grow Christ-centered loving, financially responsible families, provide transitional living for graduates, and create employment opportunities.






Jobs Created Through Sustainable Business

Serving Orphans In


In the face of many harsh realities, our ministry in Haiti reaches orphaned and vulnerable children with holistic care, education, and discipleship.

With overlapping national crises and a growing sense that leaders come and go, more than anything, we want the people of Haiti to know with certainty that God can be trusted.

Our goal is to reach orphans, grow Christ-centered loving, financially responsible families, provide transitional living for graduates, and create employment opportunities.






Jobs Created Through Sustainable Business

Haiti at a glance

Homelessness, unemployment, and malnutrition are steep, ongoing challenges that have created an alarmingly high level of poverty and a low level of education in Haiti. And, as is often the case, children suffer some of the worst effects.

As many as 26% of children 5 and under suffer from chronic malnutrition, and many know nothing of the love of Christ.

Children are at the greatest risk for malnutrition, abuse, trafficking, or serious illness.



French and Creole

54.7% Roman Catholic (About 80% of all Roman Catholics
also practice Voodou), 15.4% Baptist, 7.9% Pentecostal,
2.1% Voodou, 10.2% Non-religious, 9.7% Other

Haiti at a glance

Homelessness, unemployment, and malnutrition are steep, ongoing challenges that have created an alarmingly high level of poverty and a low level of education in Haiti. And, as is often the case, children suffer some of the worst effects.

As many as 26% of children 5 and under suffer from chronic malnutrition, and many know nothing of the love of Christ.

Children are at the greatest risk for malnutrition, abuse, trafficking, or serious illness.



French and Creole

54.7% Roman Catholic (About 80% of all Roman Catholics also practice Voodou), 15.4% Baptist, 7.9% Pentecostal, 2.1% Voodou, 10.2% Non-religious, 9.7% Other

What We Strive to Provide to Every Child We Serve

Our belief in God and His grace in our lives energizes us for a specific work. With God’s help, every child we serve will be taught the gospel and how to be followers of Christ, not want for food, shelter, medical care, and clothing, receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future, and have access to continued love and support while transitioning into adult living.

Key Areas of Ministry in Haiti


We focus on growing deeper in our understanding of the Gospel so that we can guide students, families, and employees toward living to glorify and honor God with our daily lives. We build intentional relationships with the people we come into contact with in all areas of the ministry.


We provide tuition-free education to children in poverty who cannot afford to attend school. We provide education that not only allows our students to graduate at the top of graduating classes in Haiti, but also teaches about Christ through daily Bible teachings, mentorship from teachers who profess Jesus Christ as Lord. Every student who walks through the doors of our schools comes in contact with the Gospel.

Safe Homes

Young adults often age out of the orphanage with little to no idea what they’ll do next. Our transition homes are a safe place for these graduates to grow in their independence and, more importantly, their faith. The family setting is filled with group and personal discipleship so they can build firm relationships with God and other believers.

Family Preservation

Our team visits local villages on a weekly basis. We provide food to families in these villages and spend time praying with them. By investing our time and resources into families living nearby, we help them to continue caring for their children and enable them to stay together as families.

Working Together With

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Because Your Money Should Go Where You Want It To Go

Lifesong administrative costs are already covered, so every penny of your received donation will go to help children in need.

Sponsor a Child in Haiti

$34 A Month

Changing a child’s future is easier than you think. With sponsorship you provide holistic, Christ-centered care, food, and education.

Partially Sponsored


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“Thanks to Lifesong, I can dream of the future.”

Lifesong Haiti student