We want to help families adopt.
So we encourage believers to complete the application process to overcome the financial barriers of adoption through matching grants, interest-free loans, and creative fundraising tools and ideas.
Criteria for Grants & Loans
Our goal is for children to be adopted into traditional, 2-parent Christian families. We determine what financial assistance we will offer based on the following criteria:
- Leading of the Holy Spirit as we pray for wisdom
- The need of the child (special needs, older child, etc.)
- The financial need of prospective adoptive parents
- Letter showing support from the church you attend
- Availability of funds
“Without [Lifesong], John would not be ours. Sometimes ‘thank you’ doesn’t even begin to come close, and this is certainly one of those times.”
– Hayes Family

Process Overview
1. Start here
- Submit your Lifesong application after your homestudy is complete.
- Complete and submit an application requesting a matching grant, interest-free loan, fundraising support, mySTORY crowdfunding, or Both Hands project. (Note: To comply with IRS guidelines and ECFA best practice, we must receive your complete application before a child is placed in your home.)
- Due to the volume of applications received, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing.
- Lifesong will prioritize families working through licensed adoption agencies.
- We will prayerfully consider your request and make a determination, indicating the specific amount (if approved).
2. If Approved
- You’ll receive your personal account number.
- You can start a crowdfunding page at mystory.lifesongfororphans.org
- If approved for an interest-free loan, you will need to sign a Covenant Loan Agreement. We can then send funds to your agency.
- We’ll work with you to develop a fundraising kit.
- Lifesong automatically sends receipts for individual donations of $50 or more and yearly donations totaling $250 that come directly to Lifesong for Orphans via check, the Lifesong website donation page, or your mySTORY page (which both use STRIPE). Money coming through a third party (such as GoFundMe or Facebook) cannot be receipted. Upon request, we will gladly send receipts for donations to Lifesong under $50.
- NOTE: We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and retain discretion and control over the use of all donations. Although this may cause some concern for families and donors, it is our intention to honor the wishes of donors as much as possible.
Fundraising Kit:
- You’ll develop a mailing list of 100 to 200 potential supporters. This group could include individuals from your church, family, friends, business contacts, co-workers, etc.
- You’ll receive a link to a sample fundraising letter which you can use to customize your own letter, sharing how God led you to adopt, where you are in the adoption process, who you’re hoping to adopt (including photos and info if appropriate), and asking the recipient to support you prayerfully and financially as God leads.
- We’ll provide you with a link to a letter of support from our leadership that articulates God’s heart for the orphan, the need, and our specific support of your adoption. We’ll briefly explain our funding commitment and how that works. This letter can be sent with your customized support letter and will serve as a reinforcement of your request for prayer/financial support and may provide some validation to the process.
3. When Your Fundraising Is Complete
- Please send thank-you notes to each of the individuals who have supported you financially. We can provide you with a list of donors so you can do this.
- Our grant/loan money will be available to be applied to your adoption expenses once it is in your account. Payments can be made to your adoption agency, homestudy agency, etc. With proper documentation, we can also reimburse for expenses paid.
- We encourage you to send a follow-up letter to your supporters shortly after your child joins your family, along with a family picture so each supporter can see what God did in your adoption and can continue to pray for your family.
Ready to Apply?
Get your free adoption financial assistance application today.
We help guide you through the fundraising process, keeping it simple so you can focus on bringing your child home. Through adoption financial assistance, we can help you bridge the gap in adoption fundraising with tools, such as matching grants, interest-free loans, crowdfunding pages, and fundraising support. All at no cost to you and 100% of the gifts received by Lifesong will go directly to helping bring your child home.