2022 Year In Review
Though 2022 was filled with challenges and uncertainty…
God used YOU to help vulnerable children and families feel seen, known, and loved.
Here are some examples of His faithfulness this year—
In February,
Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine.
Before the war, we were serving 1,200 orphans and vulnerable kids… NOW we are caring for 3,100 vulnerable kids and women. Our team has evacuated thousands of people, fed tens of thousands, and influenced hundreds of thousands alongside about 20 Ukrainian church partners, Ukraine without Orphans Alliance & Christian Alliance for Orphans ministries.

“We understood that people in Kharkiv needed support, so after evacuating, we went back.”
Vasya & Anna
Lifesong Ukraine
Watch how our team is meeting needs in Ukraine during the crisis–




Ministry is expanding into Poland & Western Ukraine.
Our team provides refugee care.
More than 12 million Ukrainians are now displaced, 5 million of whom have scattered across Europe, the majority fleeing to Poland.
In addition to offering immediate care, long-term housing, and an Integration Center, our team provides more immersive programs like post-trauma rehab for kids, parents, and families; integration courses on Polish culture, language, and laws; kid-specific programs; and job skills training.
In Western Ukraine our team is establishing a Trauma Care Camp and Retreat Center to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of those who have experienced trauma as a result of the war.
Lifesong Poland serves
people each month.

Vulnerable kids in Haiti are loved and protected.
Even as Haiti continues to face new levels of difficulty from increased gang violence and a spiraling political crisis, God continues to protect and provide for the children on our campus.
In addition to the many challenges already facing Haiti, the community of deaf people in rural Haiti faces even more extreme hurdles for survival. So this year, with help from people like you 4 family-style cottages were completed, and we welcomed 48 deaf and hard-of-hearing students plus 18 deaf staff onto our campus in Bercy, Haiti.
And in March, Haiti Deaf Academy was officially open and full of life!
We were also able to bring in 18 teenagers from an orphanage that was closing into the Family Life Residences, providing them with a safe place to live and hear the Gospel.
Through you, God continues to communicate His love and care for Haiti.

Children are being welcomed into families through adoption.

This year,
you’ve helped support the adoption of over 450 children through adoption financial assistance, matching grants, and interest-free loans. And by the grace of God, this year we reached the milestone of 10,000 adoptions supported.
10,185 children have been supported with adoption financial assistance and post-adoption support with help from Lifesong and our partners since 2002.
Since 2002,
children are being welcomed as sons and daughters through adoption.
In March,
we did a Q&A with one of the last adoptive families out of Ukraine.
“Now that we are home, I see how the Lord allowed all of these things to happen to grow our faith and to give us opportunities to share what He has done!”
Lifesong family who adopted from Ukraine

543 Church & Adoption Fund partners have linked arms with Lifesong.
These partners helped hundreds of children come home this year, and by God’s grace, will help hundreds more in the coming year.
Earlier this year we shared what happens when we support children together.
With caring people like you, faithful ministry partners like Miriam’s Heart, and committed partnerships—we work to reach and care for children in need of family.

Introducing My Life My Gift
Many women facing unplanned pregnancies feel voiceless and powerless. Our team—together with life-affirming ministry partners—are launching an initiative called My Life My Gift where women facing unplanned pregnancies can feel seen, heard, valued, and known. Specifically, a website and app will link individuals to helpful resources, empowering them with help and hope.
More updates to come in the new year.
Kids around the world are being reached with Gospel-centered care.
Every child we serve is taught the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ. They receive a quality education that provides a foundation for their future. Their physical needs are also met with food, clothing, medical care, and shelter. When it comes time to transition into adult living, they continue to receive love and support. This year, as always, our ministry remains committed to caring for orphaned and vulnerable children in ways that will last.
children are being served in 16 countries around the world.

Developing a Healing House for graduates in South Korea
6,000 young adults age out of South Korean orphanages each year. With deep, ongoing cultural stigmas and little to no support, depression and suicide are the greatest risks for these vulnerable grads. So earlier this year, we announced a partnership with Oak Tree Project.
In July,
we announced an initiative to raise funds for an expanded Healing House to host larger gatherings and deepen discipleship. Nearly 50 aged-out youth were served by the current Healing House this year, and our prayer is that—through you—many more will be reached in 2023.
“These moments were also what changed me the most. Living with Jee also changed the way I viewed God I wanted to know the God Jee trusted and loved.”
Korean Graduate

Community of Homes for Teen Moms Begins

Vocational College Celebrates Graduation

Safe Home & Learning Center Expands
Zambia Graduate Is Working to Reach Children Like Her
In October,
“Just like Lifesong poured their heart in my life, I also want to pour it into other people.”

Fueling Ministry Through Sustainable Business

Farms in Ukraine
Earlier this year, one of our Ukraine Farm sites was bombed. Thankfully, the team had recently evacuated and nobody was hurt.
By the grace of God—and in spite of the damage to the farm—the team was recently able to safely harvest 3 semi loads—120,000 lbs—of blueberries and export them to Spain.
Even during a difficult year, God provided a harvest.
“I thank God for this work, and I’m truly inspired that we can serve others in this region.”
Farm Manager

Creating Jobs in Zambia
All of our sustainable businesses including farms, cafe, and honey processing continue to support the schools and ministry for orphaned and vulnerable children.
Not only does the produce grown on the three farms feed the children, but the profits from all sales go back to the schools. Additionally, our students have the opportunity to train at these businesses to gain experience and employment opportunities.
Currently, the businesses are expanding to create new opportunities for grads and caregivers.
jobs created
Now through December 31, 2022, your gift can be matched up to $1,600,000—making twice the impact.
As always, 100% of your gift directly helps children in need.
So there’s no better time to give to reach orphaned and vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.