When we reflect on the first half of the year, we are in awe of how God continues to bring
beauty out of ashes.
Today, there are over 150 million orphans in the world, a God-sized problem we cannot solve without Him. But God sees, knows, and loves all 150 million of them, making them His own.
Praise God He uses the weak, childlike, and broken to do His work so that ultimately, He gets the glory. Like us, you might be asking, how can God use my weak efforts to make a difference? At Lifesong, we believe the greatest impact comes when the Body of Christ works together—some to adopt, some to care, and some to give.
One thing we are all called to do is pray.
When we see a hurdle, Jesus sees a field white with harvest, and He asks us to pray for more laborers. So every day at work, we gather as a team to pray for the orphaned and vulnerable children we serve and our teams around the world who support them. God reaches the orphaned and vulnerable and sets those who are lonely in families.
Will you join us in prayer?
- Pray for God to raise up more families who will care for children in need of a family.
- Pray that My Life, My Gift; will help women with unexpected pregnancies feel seen, known, & loved.
- Praise that Christian families in Ethiopia are hearing God’s call to adopt.
- Pray for students we serve to gain valuable skills as they enter adulthood.
- Pray for peace and security for children in Haiti, and for an end to violence.
- Pray for children in Ukraine to be healed from trauma.
- Praise that young mothers in Zambia see their babies as gifts from God.
- Pray more homes would be completed in Haiti for the glory of God.
- Praise Lifesong Farms in Ukraine continues to provide steady employment during the war.
We want to thank you because your generous gifts this year and in the past are creating ripples in the lives of orphans far greater than we could imagine.
We invite you to step into the stories of these orphaned and vulnerable children you have helped. Thank you for supporting them and for joining us in prayer!
See highlights from the first half of 2023—
Correction: On page 6, we originally stated that over 60% of unintended U.S. pregnancies end in abortion. In fact, each year roughly 121 million unintended pregnancies occurred worldwide between 2015 and 2019, and of these unintended pregnancies, 61% ended in abortion. This translates to 73 million abortions per year.
The work doesn’t end here. There are more children waiting for families and holistic care, more at-risk families waiting for support, and above all, more people longing for the hope of the Gospel.