10 Powerful Quotes from Bishop WC Martin | Sound of Hope

As the pastor of Bennett Chapel in Possum Trot, Texas,
Bishop WC Martin is a leader, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the new foster care/adoption movie coming to theaters July 4.
Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same.
In advance of the movie hitting theaters this week, Bishop Martin has been a guest on multiple podcasts around the country, including:
WHOA That’s Good Podcast with Sadie Robertson
Here are 10 powerful quotes from Bishop WC Martin for your encouragement:
1. “If anybody has any love of God in their heart at all, [seeing children in foster care] will do something to you inwardly.”
2. “I really believe God has an indictment against many of us that we have not done due benevolence when it comes to these children.”
3. “This is not a state problem; this is not the President’s problem; this is not Congress’s problem. This is the Church’s responsibility to make the difference in the life of a child.”
4. “If you ever come to Possum Trot—which I wish you would come—you will see ain’t nothing out there but just woods. Nothing else out there. But you know, it’s not where you are; it’s what you’re doing where you are.”
“It’s not where you are; it’s what you’re doing where you are.”
5. “Adoption is not a man-made thing; it’s a God-thing.”
6. “How on earth could a little church out in the bushes make a move like that? Well, I’ll tell you. If God is for us, who can be against us?”
7. “I believe to my soul … every time our back got against the wall, God made a way for us.”
“Every time our back got against the wall, God made a way for us.”
8. “We had to develop our own wrap-around support group. When there was a problem that came up, we got together in the church and we worked it out.”
9. “It is not the will of God that any child be locked in a system.”
10. “It ought to be churches waiting on children, instead of children waiting on us.”