Singles and Orphan Care: Husband Not Required

Guest post written by Leslie Anne

You’re single. You have a heart for orphans and want to get involved.

You’re excited about the opportunity God has given you to follow after Him wholeheartedly with a single-focus and can barely believe you’ve been blessed with the freedom to seek adventure and take risks without the divided commitment of a spouse… right?

Ok, so some days it may not feel that way. But it’s true! In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul tells us the married man is divided between following God’s call and his wife. This tells us that if you are unmarried, you have the freedom to run hard after the passions and gifts God has given you! No holding back. How exciting is that!

The frustrating part of orphan care is that it is primarily a family ministry. People without families who desire to serve find themselves lost in how to even begin.

I can’t adopt–I’m not married. 

I can’t foster–I’m single. 

I can’t open my home to random kids–I have roommates. 

I can’t speak on orphan care when I have no children–parents wouldn’t take me seriously! 

If I do join the mission field I might never get married!


A Realization

Several years ago, I wanted desperately to be involved but felt like the only opportunities were for married couples or families. I’d go to workshops or conferences on orphan care and leave frustrated because nothing applied to me.

But then I realized something. If God has put a desire on my heart–if I feel a deep ache inside to serve the orphaned and vulnerable child–what is holding me back? I’m single and therefore don’t have a husband who’s dragging his feet. I don’t have to pray that God will change one of our hearts so we can actually move forward in something. And I am able to follow God’s Spirit moving in my heart with full freedom!

Maybe there’s a part of you that is afraid to move forward in something, because “this might be the year the right person comes along and I want to be ready!” (Is this something only I wrestled with?)

Here’s the deal. God doesn’t make mistakes. So if He is calling you… go… do… be… follow!

The opportunities are endless!


God Is In No Hurry

If you are willing to do something, are wanting to reach out in relationship to a child, have a desire to do something and don’t even know what that is… God will be clear on how you can do that. Maybe not right away. Maybe for a long time, He’ll just say…

Wait. Walk with me and wait. 

God is in no hurry. And often He’ll speak in some of the most simple and mundane ways. I love this quote from Donald Miller:

It is always the simple things that change our lives. And these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen. Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so. You feel like running, but life is on a stroll. This is how God does things.

So, single or otherwise, stroll with Him. Listen to His voice. Move at His prompting. And when the time is right … run!

You can get involved in orphan care!