“Ready to Trust” | 2 Meetings in Ukraine

In January, we shared an exciting story of family preservation in Ukraine. Today, we’d like to give you a glimpse behind the scenes at 2 meetings our team is using to reach orphans and orphan grads for the glory of God. Thank you for your partnership in this ministry.

Enjoy this update from our team in Ukraine—


Can meetings be life-changing?

We think so! Recently, we held two important meetings we want to tell you about, because we believe they have the potential to change lives for generations to come.

First, we met with 50 volunteers

… who are passionate followers of Jesus Christ and are committed to expanding His kingdom. It was a wonderful time of sharing testimonies and talking about what God is doing at Lifesong with your support.

We believe wholeheartedly that God is doing big things here in Ukraine, but there is much more to do—more people to help and more kids to reach with the Gospel.

Since, according to statistics, approximately 80% of orphan grads in Ukraine are left to fend for themselves and eventually make hard choices like falling into drugs, prostitution, or crime, we seek to reach orphans and mentor them into adulthood so they don’t have to navigate life on their own.

Statistics don’t tell the whole story.



During our meeting with the 50 volunteers, we were able to explain that through sports, year-round camp programs, after-school classes, one-on-one mentorship, jobs training, and many other unique ways, we seek to show orphans the love of Christ. And so we’re always looking to recruit Christ followers in Ukraine to help us with this mission.

We believe God is still writing stories of transformation and that He will raise up another generation of leaders in Ukraine who will eagerly serve in our place someday. As the number of volunteers continues to grow, so too does the opportunity for impact in the lives of Ukraine’s most vulnerable.



In the words of one of the attendees—

“Many different ministry directions were presented. I became interested in the soccer league and talked more about it afterwards, because I want to take part. I’m very glad there is a chance for me to serve in such a way—to help the team achieve sports success and build relationships with kids in this way. I thank God for the opportunity to be present at this meeting, to get helpful information, and to meet the Lifesong team and find a new way to share the Gospel.” —Arthur


Second, we met with 60 orphan grads

… who were once kids in our care. Our doors are always open to young adults who grew up in the orphanage system, regardless of what life choices they are making now.

God’s work isn’t always done on our time table, and we remain committed to the kids God has given us the privilege to meet and serve, trusting that He will continue to direct them even after they graduate from the system.



In the words of one of the attendees—

“What an exciting day! I’m grateful to God for this event and a chance to be a part. I enjoyed the food, games, and time with volunteers and friends. I’m very glad to know the Lifesong team can help me find a job. I’m trying to give up bad habits now. After my talk with one of the Lifesong team members, I feel like something has changed in me. I think I’m ready to trust, to open myself to other people, and not to stay closed.” —Artem, orphan grad


We’re praying for many more opportunities like these in the coming days. With your help, we continue to move toward orphaned and vulnerable kids to build trustful relationships that point them to the incredible hope found in God and the Gospel.

Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry!


Reach more kids in Ukraine with the love of Christ.

Your gift ensures orphaned and vulnerable kids and young adults in Ukraine will be reached with the Gospel.